my younger cousin (yay) found some old photos of our lola from the cabinets in my grandmother's house in basilio and she was fascinated by the photos. she posted some on her FB and emailed me some ... hehehe.... see the two photos below:

photo on left: the house on the background still stands till today... although the plants are long gone. noticed the design on the windows and the ballisters beneath??? i still remember those - growing up in that house. repairs has been done through the years .. but still you can recognize those features - once you see that house :D
photo on right: hehehe - i think this was taken on my birthday in the year 196?? ! my cuz was saying - because i was (sooo) wearing a dress?!?! ahahahah.... that house (lola terang's) on the background also - is still standing in basilio - lumang-luma na (very old) of course, but still there.
my lola's house and that of lola terang's are the only two remaining old houses in that street... those houses, we were told withstood the war in the 1941-45. My mother used to tell my nieces/nephews that during those times, whenever there is a "dogfight" they would run to lola terang's house and hide in the basement made into a "bunker" of sort and watch the fight through a small opening on the wall.
the first photo was taken in 1937, according to uncle jun - (the boy sitting on my grandmother's lap), obviously - my mother was still very young! hehehe... only a few of those in that photo are still alive today ... and the photo on the right ... i can't seem to remember some of those faces!...
my classmates are also into posting class pictures when we were in our kindergarden/preparatory grades ... and it is very nice recalling all those years - you still remember the facesbut can't seem to get their names! :D ...
my cuz is telling me: "ate when you reached that age of yours - talagang puro "reminiscent of those years" ka na lang hehehehe" ... huh? it comes with the age?!?! hahahaha....
now i feel like digging into the old boxes/cabinets of my aunts and lola.. i think i will do that soon .. i wanted to make something that will be treasured by the families' younger generations... somebody has to - right? actually i have started on our family tree - still tracing some other families .. it's a shame because i know them by their palayaws/nicknames only and not by their full names ... there is still one family from the brood of eight from my lola's descendants that i need to fill out - i have made progress on the others. i even sent the partial list to some of my first cousins and they were very happy!! they also added and commented on the list to update it. some wants photos to go with the "tree" hehehe .. yan ang nose-bleed na baga,, :D still i will endeavour to finish this tree... have another project lined up - that of my lola's side - the MACALINO Family and that of my father's side - MAGLALANG Family.
others have asked "when are we going to have a reunion" ??? -- come to think of it - our family (lola orang's) never had a reunion of any sort! :( sad - madami na ang nalagas ... pero siguro if one will organize a reunion - everybody will cooperate and come... hmmm... we will see about that :D
Labels: memory lane